A 2D side shooter game made with Unity Engine. Kill enemies as many as you can. Each wave will spawn more enemies.

How to Play: Press [Left Arrow] and [Right Arrow] to move. Press [Q] to shoot. Press [W] to Melee. Press [E] to change weapon. Press [Space] to jump. Press [Esc] to escape/pause.


Nauval Muhammad Firdaus (NIM: 2301906331)

LB04 (Small Class) / MA04( (Big Class)

Course: Game Programming (GAME6069)

The game may load for several seconds depending on your network connection and your PC performance.

Github Repository: https://github.com/NauvalNC/tactical_cry


Background image from pixabay.com

Background music from bensound.com

SFX from soundbible.com

Rest of assets is made by Nauval Muhammad Firdaus

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